This is how your hunt will be perfect with us!
When you are looking for a service on the Internet – e.g. the organization of your hunt – numerous ads will be shown to you. It’s very difficult to choose the right one at the first glance. Most probably you will not be able to pay attention to the small details!
Anyway, what do you have to watch out for so that the whole story would not turn out to be a huge disappointment?
At hunts – especially if we are hunting in a foreign country – numerous factors can influence how good we feel. Since at Naturhun Hunting-organizing Office we have already organized several thousand hunts, and we are not only arranging trips, but are hunters ourselves, we know the pitfalls, so we can also get prepared for them.
What can go wrong and how do we solve it?
We are here to help you now with a few free tips!
Is there no hunt if it rains?
Most likely you have also experienced that bad weather can ruin even the most carefully organized hunt. The game moves differently in the rain, and the fog makes the hunter more likely to make mistakes. We tend to say that „the weather is brought along by the hunter…”! No matter how much we would like to, we cannot influence it either.
However, we have alternative options to offer if the weather conditions are just not right at the venue of the reserved hunt.
Even if it always rains or it’s foggy for days, nothing is lost! For example:
- We extend the days dedicated for hunting, if it’s okay with you.
- If we have the chance, we take you to another hunting area, where the weather conditions are more favourable at the time of the hunt.
- We offer another date to make up for the hunt!
Our aim is for everyone to be served to their satisfaction at our hunting trips, this is why we also strive to help when events such as rainy, foggy weather hinder the forest walk.

Your hunt is like your professional hunter!
The quality of the hunt is largely influenced by the instructions of the professional hunter, their knowledge of the terrutory and the game population, their experience and skills – this is why it is important for them to be prepared.
If you reserve your hunt with us, you can be sure that the best experts will guide you! Why?
Because we know the professional hunters leading our guests personally, since we do not only organize trips, but also hunt ourselves.
We spend numerous hours on the field, so we have a good view of the best hunting opportunities and we can confidently recommend the professional hunters with whom we can work together the best, and who are able to lead the most successful hunts.
Their up-to-date knowledge of the territory is indispensable, since tree felling or any other significant change in the habitat conditions of the game may happen anytime!
It does not matter if the game population is great, but if the professional hunter does not lead well, the success of the hunt is not guaranteed.
This is why we also take the person of the professional hunter and the changes having occurred in the environment into consideration during the organization of the hunt, in order to guide you to the hunting area, which is the most appropriate from every aspect!

Are you ready, is the hunt great to go?
We do not believe that any hunt, which is not personalised, can still turn out good.
So when receiving a request, we consider the wishes of our interested person, and we recommend him the appropriate hunt based on these wishes.
We take the features of the hunting-ground and the preferences of the guest into consideration, because we believe that we can avoid disappointments by offering personalized solution to the hunters.
We know the areas, we strive for getting to know the needs of the interested client as thoroughly as possible and we only make an offer after this.
What do we provide in addition to the organization of the hunt?
- We pay attention that your official documents are completed in time and you get informed about what to bring with you for your hunting trip!
- Besides the hunt, we also organize interesting side programmes for you!
- We book the accommodation according to your wishes!
- We organize the airport transfer and the interpreter as well, as per your needs!
- If you bring companions too, we will take care of them, guarantee their entertainment and ensure their rest as well.
- We pay close attention to your trophies, and after the official trophy evaluation you will be able to take them in your hands very soon.

The biggest risk of hunts is uncertainty, the discovery of a new territory and the weather.
However, if the hunting agency arranging your trip does not only organize the travel, but also knows the hunting-grounds, the hunters and the good opportunities, then the risk of an unsuccessful hunt can be minimized.
We are hunters ourselves too, so we know what makes a great hunt!
Look for us on Facebook, YouTube and our Instagram page!
Hunter friendly regards:
József Balogh