Waterfowl hunt
Hungary is a real paradise for the fans of waterfowles hunting due to its very favourable conditions.
Mallard hunting (Anas platyrhynchos)
Hungary is a real paradise for the fans of waterfowles hunting due to its very favourable conditions. Only the mallard can be hunted from the family of wild-ducks.
From September onwards the hunting on pulling can be complemented by shooting the ducks on the water and coots in the daytime. Both hunting methods attract a lot of foreign visitors to Hungary, many of them are hunters with dogs, having a lot of fun with their four-legged companions at the hunts organised at the shores of lakes and rivers.
Hunting bred ducks is very popular with our guests too, since it’s independent of the hatching problems the wild duck stock might have. When shooting bred ducks, there is no daily limit on the number of ducks shot. Hunting wild ducks at the end of the summer or at the beginning of the autumn can be combined very well with dove shooting, and later on with shooting pheasants and other small game.
Geese hunting in Hungary (Anseridae)
In some areas of our country it’s also possible to hunt for wild geese. The Duna, Tisza and Dráva rivers are all excellent waters for geese hunting, and so are the largest fishing lakes, such as the ones at Hortobágy, Biharugra, Fehértó, Tata etc.
Wild geese flocks overnight on the water surface sometimes in masses of thousands, and in the early morning they start off with a huge noise to head for the cornfields and massive grain fields.
Professional hunters, who have a good knowledge about the migration paths, sometimes observe the movement of the flocks for days as they prepare successful geese huntings for their guests with digging so called “hunting ditches”. Geese hunting might prove especially successful in foggy weather, when the wild geese are flying much lower than usual.
It can be combined with hunting other small games, for example brown hares or pheasants, but also with hunting big game.
The hunts are still waiting for You!
Now we recommend everyone to take care of their own and their family’s health. We are very confident that travel will soon be free and we can enjoy carefree the hunts again.
Don’t hesitate to book a hunt with us. We are still working and you can entrust the full organization to us!
Feel free to contact us now! Naturhun is waiting for you!
If you would like to request a hunting offer, please fill out this form!
Hunting seasons
Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
15 August – 31 January
Coot (Fulica atra)
01 September – 31 January
Semi wild duck
All year around
Bean goose (Anser fabalis)
01 October – 31 January
Greater white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons)
01 October – 31 January
Canada goose (Branta canadensis)
01 October – 31 January
Egyptian goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus)
01 October – 31 January
Greylag goose (Anser anser)
01 October – 31 December
Hunting opportunities
News and tips
The people at Naturhun work on organising hunts every day; they make arrangements with our guests and arrange the hunting areas – they are busy working in the office in one moment and get in their cars to go to the field in the next, and since we would like to record and share our hunting experiences. The only thing I like more than writing blogs is going on hunts. You will see why if you bear with me.