The formation of the roe deer antlers depending on the weather and the availability of food (Professional blog)
“I consider the roe deer antler to be the most original, the most varied and the finest trophy of all. None of them looks like another, they are all individual, they are precious memorabilia.” – wrote Zsigmond Széchenyi, former world traveler, Hungarian hunter.
Among the huntable species in our country, in respect of hunting, one of the most popular – or even the most popular – species, especially in the Great Hungarian Plain region is indisputably the Roebuck. The Roebuck, which is able to produce the most desirable antler racks from year to year, regardless of whether the game management service has done a proper wild culling or not. We would like to point out that there are undesirable, unwanted bucks among the wild game population every year, even if those who are entitled to hunt completed the selection culling based on age and sex in the previous years. The success of wildlife management can be determined based on the ratio of the medal trophies, and it has several influencing factors, such as the winter weather, the amount of the nutrition in the vegetation based on soil conditions, and genetics as well.
There were several researchers who studied the effects of the environment on the deer antlers using scientific methods. These researchers found that there are four abiotic factors affecting the quality of the deer population; namely the arable land, the clearings, the ratio of the tree species and the bedrock. These are the principal factors affecting the body weight and the condition of the individual, which has a direct effect on the antler quality. Different species have to share the habitat available to them and the food sources available there. For a dense population, the intraspecific competition may be intensified, so the rivalry within the species and the defense of their territory can lead to fierce fights between the bucks, which can affect the condition and, indirectly, the quality of the antlers as well. So it can be determined that the medal ratio can be statistically improved in an appropriately dense and well-managed population.

After examining different prey data, it can be concluded that the bucks with higher antler weight also have higher body weight. Thus, condition and fitness especially have an effect on the weight of the antler. The game manager can improve the body weight by feeding, and can also use roughage, grain feed and juicy fodder to provide vitamins and minerals during the seasons when food is scarce to improve the survival rate of the animals. The weight of the antlers also increases in direct proportion with the body weight. According to the research of Volmer and Herzog, heavier bucks have larger antlers. If we add the effect of the habitat to these conclusions, we can state based on the data available that from among the factors of age, habitat and body weight, body weight is the determining factor. Weather also needs to be mentioned as a determining factor affecting the quality of the trophies directly.
Since the species conquered the formerly uninhabited counties of the Great Hungarian Plain, they established a population with outstanding quality there. This region includes the counties of Békés, Hajdú-Bihar, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Szabolcs and Heves. In our country, this region has the most favorable conditions for the roe deer, and it can be seen through the increased mass of the antlers as well. There are several other counties with an excellent quality deer population, but considering the ratio of the medal trophies, the Great Hungarian Plain area is the most optimal. Roe deer is a so- called r-strategic species compared to other kinds of deer. The main points of the r- (or reproductive) strategy are the following: to grow fast, have an early maturity, be often pregnant with twins, and have a shorter lifespan compared to the other big game species. The species is grateful for the favorable environment, they find the necessary conditions for life with ease. These conditions are the availability of quality food sources – in the case of the roe deer, thanks to their shorter small bowel, they have the ability to eat food with a lower fiber content – and serenity, as well as undisturbed hideouts. Of course, these conditions should not be far from each other, so in the case of bucks, both must be found within their territory, since the area of movement of the deer is relatively small.
Regarding the quality of the trophies, the quality of the habitat has standard importance. Soil and food availability. Weather plays an extremely important role. Mild winter, not too much snow and a sufficient amount of sunlight. These conditions can favor the growth of average-weight trophies, but in the case of a harsh winter, long-lasting and thick snow cover, the average weight can decrease. This seems to be logical since in the case of thick snow and a windy, freezing cold winter, the animals of the population concentrate on surviving. They spend more energy on finding food and obtaining their energy supply than growing of embrios during the pregnancy and building their antlers, so smaller trophies can be expected with lower quality, and the newborn kid will be in a worse condition. Considering the winter months of 2020, we have reason to be optimistic, since we have some mild months behind us, and this is expected to have its effect on the development of the antlers as well.
In summary, the quality of the trophy is mostly determined by the habitat, the serenity and the weather. Considering this, I can say that the roe deer season of this year is expected to offer similarly excellent hunting experiences, and an abundance of high-quality trophies… I would like to use another quotation from Zsigmond Széchenyi to close my reasoning and to wish you good hunting: “All my trophies were swept away by the war, both foreign and those from my country. And if they gave me a chance to choose, to get back some of those, I would reach for the ones from my homeland, without hesitation. – I weave the same dream, but I make it a little narrower this time. If you could choose one from the games of your home, which one would it be? My answer would be the following, without any doubt: my deer antlers, nothing else!”

The hunting organisation is a profession! Don’t be fooled by empty promises!
You are well aware that we are living in a fast-paced world. You hear it all over the Internet and in the media. You know that you cannot relax since you miss out, you fall behind, gain a disadvantage compared to others. This is not different in the case of hunting either. Nowadays, you frequently come across ads that promise fast organisation and cheap hunting. “Reserve your own trip!”, “Select yourself!”, “Plan it on your own!” and “Do not pay too much!”.
But just think about it for a moment – is this what you really want?
Before you stress yourself out with all the thinking, we are here to help you!
We have put together a list of a few important points you may find worth considering if you would not like to be disappointed at your Hungarian hunting event:
- If you have a specific goal in your mind when you come to our country to hunt, then it’s not the same if you take home a 3.5-kilogram, an 8-kilogram or a capital red deer trophy! Can you distinguish between what precisely each rapid offer is offering?
With more than twenty years of experience and excellent professional knowledge to support us, we will do everything to make sure you go home with a rich hunting experience. We have established hunting networks covering almost the whole territory of Hungary, so we will know where to direct you. If for any reason you will not be able to hunt down the desired game at the initial hunting grounds, we will take you to another area! We take the time and energy to provide you with the perfect hunting experience. - Let’s suppose that you reserve a hunt based on an ad, which offers precisely the game that you desire. However, it does matter if you can understand the hosts at all. Of course, today it’s almost a basic requirement for every professional hunter to speak at least one foreign language at least at a basic level, however, this does not ensure that you will be able to understand each other perfectly!
The team mates at Naturhun Hunting Organisation Office have been using foreign languages on a daily level for several years. They have the right professional language skills for hunting, so you don’t have to worry about any misunderstandings! You will get an offer and the contract in your own mother tongue, and our colleagues will be in touch with you personally or on the phone during your hunting trip! - While we are talking about the documents: How can you be sure that you will get the service and the product that you have paid for? If you reserve a hunt on your own, how can you be sure that you will not be deceived?The fellow workers at Naturhun Hunting Organisation Office take care of such issues on a daily basis, so that you don’t have to worry about them. You will get a detailed offer, which does not only contain the size and price of the trophy but all the associated services as well.
Accommodation, interpretation services, transfer and all the related convenience services will be included! We will sign a contract with you just like we do with all our other hunting guests, so that your safety be guaranteed! - You can see that based on all the above, organising a hunt involves not only specifying the details of the hunt itself, since you will also have to travel, sleep and eat somewhere, and you will somehow have to spend your leisure time, too. While hunting grounds solely concentrate on selling the game, hunting organisation offices know how important it is that everything serves your comfort from the moment you set off on your trip up to the moment you arrive home. When you reserve a hunt on your own it might happen that you forget something and you are left with no accommodation and without knowing where to go while you are waiting for the hunt!
Our team mates will help you specify where and when you will arrive, so someone will be waiting for you once you arrive. We will reserve an accommodation with full food and board service, based on your requirements. If you come with a partner, we will take care of them, too, and we will organise your leisure activities as well! - Imagine that you just had a great hunting experience, and you are thrilled just by recollecting it. You are sitting at home in your living room, waiting for your trophy. Can you be sure that you will get your hunting trophy fast, undamaged and in the appropriate manner?
Yes, you can be sure of it if you let Naturhun Hunting Organisation Office organise your hunt. Your trophy will be finished, judged, and we will send it to you along with all the official documentation. We will not forget safe packaging and delivery tracking either. We will only relax and close off the hunt once we have got confirmation that you have received your trophy!
I think that no more arguments are needed for you to see why it’s worth trusting a hunting organisation office with the organisation of your hunting trip in Hungary.

However, let us give you a short summary:
- You can call us comfortably from your home, using your own mother tongue.
- You will get a detailed and personalised offer that you will be able to read in advance down to the last detail.
- We will record every detail of the hunting trip in a contract.
- We will be in touch with you during your entire stay and modify the original plans if need be.
- We will prepare licences and documents needed for the hunt. We will document the hunt precisely.
- Professional and well-prepared staff will take care of you during your hunting trip.
- We can take care of special needs, too (limited mobility, food allergies, etc.).
- We will send you your trophies employing a safe delivery method.
- You will receive a precise and fair financial settlement.
You are not a hunt organiser, not a tourism expert, nor a catering specialist! You just want to enjoy your hobby that lets you escape the haste of the weekdays. Hunting is an activity that helps you get quiet, slow down and chill out. You don’t have to hurry, just enjoy nature and the stress-free time furnished by your hobby.Based on all the above pieces of information, think about what you choose.
The decision is yours.
- You either reserve a hunt quickly, based on an ad, and realise only later how much work you still have to invest!
- Or you trust us to handle the whole thing and all you have to do is enjoy the hunt from the first moment to the last one.
If you opt for the latter, we can assure you that you have made the best decision possible. >>>
The number of our satisfied returning customers is growing continuously, which means that it’s worth choosing our comfortable all-around hunting organisation service.
If you prefer quality and won’t settle for any kind of instant hunt, where nothing is promised, we are waiting for your call. You can also e-mail us at naturhun@naturhun.hu

On the hunting ground, the situation is unchanged!
At present, the whole world is experiencing an extraordinary situation, with Europe and Hungary being no exceptions, either. I would rather not expatiate on things that are already painfully familiar to everyone. For some, the topic is boring, for some, it is depressive, for yet others, it might be simply neutral.
We hunters are in a lucky situation since we can practice a hobby that is not bound to a flat or a specific location – a hobby thanks to which we have already been able to spend much more time in nature than the average person. Even now, we can afford to delve deep into the forest, venture out to the fields and breathe in the fresh air of the reviving nature, in silence. We can observe the playful game of the animals living in the nature, listen to the happy songs of the birds.
Being a professional hunter has not changed at all!
Our professional hunters continue to do their job diligently, since life in the forest has not stopped. Roe bucks fight for their own territories the same way as they did before. The old bucks watch the calmness around them, standing still more frequently while the younger ones wildly chase each other in the vernal sunshine. The panic currently palpable in the world and the fear wreaking havoc in the human world do not bother them at all.
Even now, our game keepers know precisely where each buck lives, how big the antlers they have grown are, which rural field they like and where they move around during the day. Although right now, it seems that because of the disease of the world, you will not be able to join us for the roe buck hunt starting in the middle of April, we still care for and protect the wildlife.

Our hospitality remains unchanged!
Our returning guests know that the good bucks will wait for them, and by the time order has resumed in the world, they will again be able to apply for our hunts. Let it be red deer stag, fallow buck hunt or even driven huntings.
When hotels and restaurants open again, we will be kindly awaiting our dear hunter friends with their companions to recover from the scare the world experienced. After the isolation and the numerous restrictions, a little relaxation will feel good here in Hungary, at one of the best hunting grounds.
Our colleagues can’t wait to get in touch with you, guide and help you during your hunt.
We hope that your situation will also remain unchanged and that you will emerge from the present situation fine both medically and existentially. We believe that soon, we will again be able to move freely across countries and continents and we will have the opportunity again to show you the famous Hungarian wildlife. When we welcome you as our returning guest, we will be very glad about the reunion.
We are waiting for you here at Naturhun Hunting-organizing Office! We will be glad to take your call anytime, and you can also feel free to get in touch with us via e-mail! We are at your disposal!
Look for us on Facebook, YouTube and our Instagram page!
With hunter-friendly regards,
József Balogh

Have you ever been disappointed about a badly organized hunt?
This is how your hunt will be perfect with us!
When you are looking for a service on the Internet – e.g. the organization of your hunt – numerous ads will be shown to you. It’s very difficult to choose the right one at the first glance. Most probably you will not be able to pay attention to the small details!
Anyway, what do you have to watch out for so that the whole story would not turn out to be a huge disappointment?
At hunts – especially if we are hunting in a foreign country – numerous factors can influence how good we feel. Since at Naturhun Hunting-organizing Office we have already organized several thousand hunts, and we are not only arranging trips, but are hunters ourselves, we know the pitfalls, so we can also get prepared for them.
What can go wrong and how do we solve it?
We are here to help you now with a few free tips!
Is there no hunt if it rains?
Most likely you have also experienced that bad weather can ruin even the most carefully organized hunt. The game moves differently in the rain, and the fog makes the hunter more likely to make mistakes. We tend to say that „the weather is brought along by the hunter…”! No matter how much we would like to, we cannot influence it either.
However, we have alternative options to offer if the weather conditions are just not right at the venue of the reserved hunt.
Even if it always rains or it’s foggy for days, nothing is lost! For example:
- We extend the days dedicated for hunting, if it’s okay with you.
- If we have the chance, we take you to another hunting area, where the weather conditions are more favourable at the time of the hunt.
- We offer another date to make up for the hunt!
Our aim is for everyone to be served to their satisfaction at our hunting trips, this is why we also strive to help when events such as rainy, foggy weather hinder the forest walk.

Your hunt is like your professional hunter!
The quality of the hunt is largely influenced by the instructions of the professional hunter, their knowledge of the terrutory and the game population, their experience and skills – this is why it is important for them to be prepared.
If you reserve your hunt with us, you can be sure that the best experts will guide you! Why?
Because we know the professional hunters leading our guests personally, since we do not only organize trips, but also hunt ourselves.
We spend numerous hours on the field, so we have a good view of the best hunting opportunities and we can confidently recommend the professional hunters with whom we can work together the best, and who are able to lead the most successful hunts.
Their up-to-date knowledge of the territory is indispensable, since tree felling or any other significant change in the habitat conditions of the game may happen anytime!
It does not matter if the game population is great, but if the professional hunter does not lead well, the success of the hunt is not guaranteed.
This is why we also take the person of the professional hunter and the changes having occurred in the environment into consideration during the organization of the hunt, in order to guide you to the hunting area, which is the most appropriate from every aspect!

Are you ready, is the hunt great to go?
We do not believe that any hunt, which is not personalised, can still turn out good.
So when receiving a request, we consider the wishes of our interested person, and we recommend him the appropriate hunt based on these wishes.
We take the features of the hunting-ground and the preferences of the guest into consideration, because we believe that we can avoid disappointments by offering personalized solution to the hunters.
We know the areas, we strive for getting to know the needs of the interested client as thoroughly as possible and we only make an offer after this.
What do we provide in addition to the organization of the hunt?
- We pay attention that your official documents are completed in time and you get informed about what to bring with you for your hunting trip!
- Besides the hunt, we also organize interesting side programmes for you!
- We book the accommodation according to your wishes!
- We organize the airport transfer and the interpreter as well, as per your needs!
- If you bring companions too, we will take care of them, guarantee their entertainment and ensure their rest as well.
- We pay close attention to your trophies, and after the official trophy evaluation you will be able to take them in your hands very soon.

The biggest risk of hunts is uncertainty, the discovery of a new territory and the weather.
However, if the hunting agency arranging your trip does not only organize the travel, but also knows the hunting-grounds, the hunters and the good opportunities, then the risk of an unsuccessful hunt can be minimized.
We are hunters ourselves too, so we know what makes a great hunt!
Look for us on Facebook, YouTube and our Instagram page!
Hunter friendly regards:
József Balogh