Geographical location
Hungary is located in Central Europe, in the Carpathian Basin. Hungary has borders with Slovakia on the north, with Ukraine on the north -east, with Romania on the east, with Croatia and Yugoslavia on the south, with Slovenia on the southwest and with Austria on the west.
Area: 93.032 km2
Population: 10.102.000
Time: GMT + 1
Language: hungarian
Currency: forint
Religion: catholic, reformed
Form of state: republic
Capital: Budapest
Counties: 19
Geographical regions
50 % of the country’s territory is flatland. From a geographical point of view, the country can be divided into 6 regions: Southern Great Plain (Alföld), Small Plain (Kisalföld), Transdanubian range (Dunántúli-középhegység), Transdanubian ridge (Dunántúli – dombság), Northern range. The Great Plain occupies the entire eastern half of the country and the Small Plain lies along the north-west border. A range of mountains of medium height stretches across the country. West of the Danube, the Transdanubian range is 400-700 m high. Visitors to South-western Hungary find a varied landscape. The Northern range rises to heights of 500-1000 meters. Hungary’s highest point is the Kékes (1014 m). The two most important rivers, the Danube (Duna) and the Tisza flow across the country from the north to south. The lake Balaton is not only Hungary’s, but Central Europe’s warmest lake as well. The forests, fields and riverbanks hold many surprises even for hunters, birdwatchers and nature photographers.
The climate is temperate continental: the summer is warm, the winter is cold. The warmest month is July. The average temperature in this month is 21,7 °C. The coldest month is January with an average temperature of -1,2 °C. The annual hours of sunshine are between 1800-2050. The annual rainfall in the middle of the Great Plain is between 500-550 mm, in the mountains of medium height 600-800 mm. The most of the rain is at the end of fall and beginning winter. The less rain is during summer time.
Travel by air and land
Hungary’s international airport is Ferihegy Airport in Budapest, which receives scheduled flights from 48 cities, 32 countries. The airport has two terminals. MALÉV flights (Hungary’s national airline) arrive at and depart from Ferihegy 2/A. All foreign airlines use Ferihegy 2/B. We suggest to our guests coming by car from Austria, to use the following road boarder crossing points: Nickelsdorf – Hegyeshalom, Deutschkreutz – Kópháza, Heiligenkreutz
the highways uniformly chargeables, can be used by prepaid vignettes. The vignettes can be purchased at the major petrol stations and at border crossings
News and tips
The people at Naturhun work on organising hunts every day; they make arrangements with our guests and arrange the hunting areas – they are busy working in the office in one moment and get in their cars to go to the field in the next, and since we would like to record and share our hunting experiences. The only thing I like more than writing blogs is going on hunts. You will see why if you bear with me.